Terms & Conditions


  • College: Dublin Centre of Vedic Studies, 83 Middle Abbey Street, Dublin 1
  • Student: An individual attending a Course or Workshop run by the College
  • Course: Any event or workshop run by the College
  • Website: www.dcvs.ie
  • Fees: Amount payable by the Student to the College. These should be made at least one day prior to the course date
  • Enrollment: Enrollment takes place once the entire fee for a course has been lodged and a confirmation e-mail has been received by the Student
  • Payment of fees: Can take place as follows:
  • Reception: Located on the second floor of 83 Middle Abbey Street, both cash and card is accepted.
  • Online: The Website has online payments available via Paypal

2.Course registration and attendance

  • It is strongly recommended that students enroll for a Course prior to the course itself. This allows the College to prepare adequately in terms of seating, handouts etc. It also avoids disappointment in the case where no places remain on the Course.
  • Where prior registration has not taken place, the College accepts no responsibility for costs incurred if prospective students are turned away.
  • Where prior registration has taken place, but a student is more than 15 minutes late to the session, his or her place cannot be guaranteed and may be given to some other individual
  • Up-to-date information of availability on all Courses will be provided on the Website. Unless otherwise stated on the Website, spaces are available. This excludes the actual day of the Course where availability may vary.
  • After lodging the Fee in its entirety, the Student will receive an e-mail from the College acknowledging receipt of the payment and confirming the Student’s place on the Course.
  • A Student’s place on a Course is not confirmed until the Fee has been paid in full and a confirmation e-mail has been received. If the Fee has not been paid, the College maintains the rights to deny entry. Requests to make payment after the Course will be rejected.


  • In the regrettable and rare event that the College has to cancel any Course, e-mail notification will be given as soon as is possible. In such a case, all Fees will be refunded in full. Alternatively, the College will offer a transfer to any other Course of the Student’s choice, accepting or returning any fee differences.
  • If a Student does not attend a Course and does not inform the College (giving notice the day before), no refund or transfer options can be offered.
  • If after lodging the Fee, a Student decides not to attend the Course for whatever reason, a refund can be processed, as long as it is requested a minimum of a day before the actual Course date. In such an instance, an administration fee of 10% of the Fee will be levied.

1.Alternatively the student has the option of kindly giving the Fee as a donation to the temple

2.It is also possible to transfer the Fee in full to another Course of the same or higher monetary value. Such a transfer must be onto a Course taking place within 6 months of the initial Course date.

  • The terms outlined under this ‘Cancellation’ section exclude Retreats organised by the College. Any terms in this regard will be published in the promotional material specific to such an Event.

4.Equality of opportunity

  • One of the College’s core values is the promotion of inclusivity and valuing diversity. In this vein, the College seeks to ensure that all Courses are open to all and presented in such a way as to show respect to individuals from all races, creeds and cultures.
  • Courses are open to all over the age of 16. Under 16s can only attend if accompanied by a parent of guardian.
  • Exceptions to this policy may be made at the discretion of the College

5. Fee Discounts

  • The College wishes to ensure that the spiritual education provided is open to all, without barriers of any kind. In particular, the College would like to ensure that financial barriers are minimised.
  • To this end, a 40% discount on College Courses is available if you fall into one or more of any of these categories:

1.You are in receipt of one (or more) of the following:

  1. Income Support
  2. Employment and Support Allowance
  3. Income Based Jobseekers Allowance
  4. Working Tax Credit (not Child Tax Credit)
  5. Housing Benefit
  6. Pension Credit
  7. Carer’s Allowance
  8. Severe Disablement Allowance
  9. Incapacity Benefit
  10. Disability Living Allowance
  11. Attendance Allowance
  12. Employment and Support Allowance
  13. You are an asylum seeker or you are the spouse or child of an asylum seeker
  14. You are in full-time education
  15. You are over 65 years of age
  • Proof must be provided for any claims to be made valid. This proof must be provided before payment is made and the course attended.

Exclusions to the Fee Discounts policy are as follows:

  • Retreats – any discounts that may be offered for Retreats will be published in the promotional material specific to such a Course
  • Certain special one-off courses (please contact the College for specific information)
  • All Health and Lifestyle courses (such as Yoga, Ayurveda). Any other Course run by the College, at it’s discretion

6.Dress code and behaviour

  • Students must ensure that their dress is appropriate to the environment, i.e. the temple. Keeping this in mind, dress should be modest and not provocative or draw attention to the wearer. This ensures that the learning remains the centre of attention.
  • All Students must be respectful to fellow attendees and the speaker. In the interests of all Students, the organisers reserve the right to deny entry or enforce the removal of any Student from the Course whose behaviour or demeanour is considered unacceptable.

7.Visual and/or audio recordings

  • The organisers may take visual and/or audio recordings of Students during the Course and reserve the right to use these for promotional, management or educative purposes. Students’ individual consent for this will be assumed to have been granted unless otherwise indicated by Students, in writing or by email, prior to the start of the Course.

8.Variations to the College’s Terms and Conditions

  • The College reserves the right to vary these Terms and Conditions from time to time and the current version will be that published on the College website.